Sunday, March 27, 2011

Republic of Macedonia with NO VISAS FOR USA!

Republic of Macedonia with NO VISAS FOR USA!

Петиција на Зоран Михајловиќ во која се бара укинување на визите за македонските граѓани за одење во САД. Доколку ја подржувате потпишете се.

Macedonia has proven it's the biggest friend of USA in the Balkans, even when all other Balkan countries failed to prove their loyalty and friendship to the US, and the irony of it was that they were allies and allegedly friends.

USA was supporting the Republic of Macedonia from its independence on, and even from the time of Goce Delcev, proving it self as the biggest friend and supporter, and continues to support it. The last NATO summit was the biggest proof that US IS FOR MACEDONIA.

Europe again failed to exercise its democratic, humanistic and pro-expansion proclamation and alleged nature, again showing the world its cowardly and hypocritical face.

We feel that Macedonian and US relationship should go even further. We feel that US should allow visa waiver for Macedonian citizens, thus allowing Macedonians to freely travel to US without visas.


We support the activity of the United Macedonian Diaspora, which showed unprecedented loyalty to Republic of Macedonia and claimed and affirmed its sole intention for the universal well-being of the Republic of Macedonia and Macedonians.

Here we commend their work and say a big "THANK YOU!!!"

We acknowledge their extremely well done job in lobbying for the Macedonian cause, and recommend them to present this petition to the State Department.

Long live Macedonia and United States of America!

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