Sunday, June 07, 2009

Letter to Barrot

Писмото ми го пратија на Facebook / Thiss letter was send to me via Facebook

Потпретседателот на Европската комисија, Жак Баро зборувајќи за визната либерализација нашата држава ја нарече „Северна Македонија“. Додека политичарите дебатираат дали било лапсуз или намерна провокација, ве повикуваме сите вас да му пишите кратка порака на г-динот Жак Баро и официјално да го изкажеме нашето незадоволство од неговото дрска и несреќно дадена изјава.

Слободно можете да составите мал текст или да го искористите доле-наведениот и испратете му е-маил нему и на шефот на неговиот кабинет Mr Le Bret.

This protest letter is in response to the offensive statement of vice-president of EU Mr Jacques Barrot for referring to Republic of Macedonia as "Northern Macedonia" during a press conference. All Macedonians and its friends wordwide reject such statement.

As a supporter of Republic of Macedonia, please copy/paste the protest letter and SIGN it with your name and send it to Mr Jacques Barrot and Benoit Le-Bret.

Thank you for your support!

Dear Commissioner and Head of Cabinet / Dear Mr. Barrot

As Macedonian I want to express strong disappointment towards the statement of European Commission Vice President Mr Jacques Barrot, during which he referred to the Republic of Macedonia as “Northern Macedonia.”

During a press conference over visa liberalization policies towards the western Balkans, Mr. Barrot, have listed counties that would be affected by proposed changes to EU policy. Among these countries was “Northern Macedonia.”

Mr. Barrot’s statement is unfortunate and offensive to Macedonians worldwide. While I sincerely hope that it was a simple mistake, Mr. Barrot should publicly acknowledge your misstatement and apologize for it.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité for everyone.


Name Last name

Mr Jacques Barrot e-mail:

Mr Le Bret (Head of Cabinet)

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