Доколку сакате да ги известите одговорните луѓе во интернационалниот суд на правдата во Хаг, во врска со тужбата на Република Македонија против Република Грција за тоа дека застапникот на Република Грција во овој спор којшто тврдеше дека Македонија нема право да го користи името "Македонија", самиот го користи во неговото CV, пратете го писмото долу на посочените адреси или пак напишете нешто со ваши зборови (валидно на англиски или на француски јазик)
Интернационален суд на правдата
Hisashi Owada (Japan) - President
Philippe Couvreur (Belgium)- Registrar
Bruno Simma - Judge
Christopher Greenwood - Judge
Интернационален суд на правдата - информации
Dear sir
Concerning the trial between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece:
I want to bring to your attention the fact that James Crawford the representative of Republic of Greece who claimed that Republic of Macedonia is not entitled to use the name "Macedonia" as its name, uses it as the name of this country in his CV.
Even James Crawford whose duty is to represent the side of Republic of Greece, recognizes Republic of Macedonia not under the provisional reference like its employer Republic of Greece do, but under its true name "Macedonia".
This shows that his performance in the courtroom was just an act, completely different than the facts on this case and completely different than the truth in what even he believes.
Hisashi Owada (Japan) - President
Philippe Couvreur (Belgium)- Registrar
Bruno Simma - Judge
Christopher Greenwood - Judge
Интернационален суд на правдата - информации
Dear sir
Concerning the trial between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece:
I want to bring to your attention the fact that James Crawford the representative of Republic of Greece who claimed that Republic of Macedonia is not entitled to use the name "Macedonia" as its name, uses it as the name of this country in his CV.
Even James Crawford whose duty is to represent the side of Republic of Greece, recognizes Republic of Macedonia not under the provisional reference like its employer Republic of Greece do, but under its true name "Macedonia".
This shows that his performance in the courtroom was just an act, completely different than the facts on this case and completely different than the truth in what even he believes.
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