Wednesday, December 01, 2010

From Mexico to Macedonia

Пред некој ден по укажување од колешката форумџика - Sneki, го забележав следниот коментар оставен на Youtube видеоклип:

"I have a macedonian friend and he's the nicest person I know, very well educated and very smooth. I think what these good people want is their full independence and Identity as a Nation, which sounds very fair to me. Macedonia for Macedonians!! Greece for Greeks!! Peace to all of you."

Поради објективноста (има пријател Македонец но ја почитува и Грција) решив да му пишам за да го запрашам каков е неговиот став за целата ситуација со името. Еве што Khaenos од Мексико, ми одговори:

"The reason why I commented about the situation of Macedonia and Greece is the fact that there is a dispute that has no place to be... What they claim is that you are actually stealing the name Macedonia as if we were claiming that the americans (from the United States) are stealing the name California. As you probably know, California was once part of Mexico and now is part of the United States. The difference is that the whole California was splitted in two and the southern side (evidently) is on the mexican part, and is called Baja California. Los Cabos is its most well known city. That would be the situation of Macedonia: the Republic of Macedonia on the North, and the Greek Makedonia on the southern side (North of Greece)

If this was considered a fact and there is an agreement, it would be good. You have your history, you have a past, a present and a future as a country. You even have your own version of the cyrillic alphabet. So why deny? Why saying that Republic of Macedonia doesn't exist as a country? Even in mine, we acknowledge its existence. "

Сепак луѓето ширум светот знаеле за Македонија. Ако некој се жали дека не ја знаат, тоа е и по негова вина затоа што не направил ништо за да ја промовира.

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