Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Протестно писмо до Нивната Унија

Протестно писмo поради скандалозното некористење на придавката "Македонски" во извештајот на ЕУ, напишано од Трн во Око. Пратете го на посочената адреса и проширете го низ Нетот.

Dear "your union" enlargement guys,

It seems that You didn't get all the information needed for that Report of yours about Republic of Macedonia.

I am just going to highlight this:

The name of my country is: Republic of Macedonia
The official language in Macedonia is: Macedonian language.
The citizens of Macedonia are called: Macedonians.

Thank you,
A Macedonian that comes from Macedonia and speaks Macedonian language.


Darvel said...

Please, use their proper name: "The Hypocratic Union" :D

Morgana said...

`The name of my country is: Republic of Macedonia
The official language in Macedonia is: Macedonian language.
The citizens of Macedonia are called: Macedonians.`
It`s plain and simple...the truth is always like that!